Marbles from Merle: Spirit Communication with Physical Objects

Hello, my friends!

I first published the following post in October 2011, but it continues to be the most popular post I’ve written with 3,940 views since then. Why? Because the often sudden and inexplicable appearance of marbles is apparently something Spirit is pretty good at manifesting for us Earthlings. I regularly receive emails asking if there’s a connection between marbles and Spirit, and if so, what does it mean? What is Spirit trying to communicate? To be honest, I don’t think there’s a single answer, but the phenomenon, when it happens to you is nothing short of miraculous.

I never associated marbles with Spirit until my brother Merle (in Spirit since 1971) brought me a “bowl of marbles.” You can read the amazing the story below. I wonder though, if each person’s experience with Spirit-delivered marbles isn’t unique, and is simply our Loved Ones in Spirit saying, “Hey, I’m here. I love you and I’m still with you.” It’s a nice thought, isn’t it?

If you have a Spirit-marbles story to share, please do so in the comments section below. If enough people share their stories of how, when and where they got their marbles, and what each person believes is the meaning…we might just find a thread of connection and understanding!

MESSAGES FROM MERLE (first posted in 2011)

I have so many fascinating examples of the ways in which Spirit communicates with us by manipulating physical objects, and today I’m going to share one of my all-time favorite experiences.

A Message during Spirit Circle

On a December night in 2008, I was holding a Spirit Circle at my home, and received a message from Merle, my brother in Spirit, which proved to be quite significant—in physical terms! The Medium bringing the message was Phyllis Brown, a gifted medium who was familiar with my brother’s energy having “brought him through” before. After the evidential validation and I had acknowledged that she did indeed have contact with Merle, she proceeded.

My brother in Spirit, Merle
My brother in Spirit, Merle Buck

“He’s showing me a bowl of marbles, and says you have them,” she said.

“Well, I don’t have any physical bowl of marbles, but we did play marbles often as children,” I offered.

At this, Phyllis shook her head. “It feels very physical, and I want to hand it to you—this bowl of marbles. Anyway, he’s adding that ‘You’re finally getting your marbles together…’” At this, everyone around the table snickered. I rolled my eyes—it was so Merle to phrase it that way.

“Well, that’s good to know!” I laughed.

“He’s saying that the marbles represent gathering insight, and making progress toward your goals, ” Phyllis went on. “He says, ‘It’s time to put the marbles to use for yourself.’”

“Ok,” I answered. I understood what he was getting at. “I will. Thank you, Merle.”

“Good, he’s satisfied that you understand. He’s finished and is stepping back. I leave you with his love and blessings,” she said, in the usual way of closing a message.

Interpreting the Message

After circle, I read back over my notes and reflected on the message. I knew that Merle was referring to my recent insights into my own personal physical healing. I was in the process of making a radical shift in my diet (to mostly alkaline foods) in hopes of healing an inflammatory condition I had developed a year prior and was having trouble getting under control. I had just read two very enlightening books: The Cure and The PH Miracle, and believed—now more than ever—that they held the prescription for good health. I was happy about Merle’s apparent validation of my direction, and thanked him again.

As it turns out, however… that wasn’t the end of Merle’s validation.

The (Amazing) Physical Validation

About a week after Phyllis brought me the message, I went down to the basement of my 110-year old Victorian home to do laundry.

The first marble
The first marble

There, in the middle of the laundry room carpet was a blue and white marble. I picked it up and studied it. It was definitely an antique marble. Where had it come from? I looked around but didn’t see any more. I stuck it in my pants pocket as I recalled the message from Merle and interpreted this as an exclamation point to his message. Although Merle had talked about a “bowl of marbles,” one was good enough for me.

The following week, again while doing laundry, I looked down and there in the middle of the carpet, in the very same spot, was a blue and white marble! I picked it up and examined it. It looked just like the one from the prior week. I recalled that last week I’d pocketed the marble but couldn’t recall what, if anything, I’d done with it. I had just thrown some jeans in the washer, so my logical mind told me that last week’s marble had probably just fallen out of my jeans moments before. So once again, I put the blue and white marble in my pocket, and continued with my day. A few hours later, while cleaning my bedroom, I spotted a blue and white marble on my dresser. ‘Wait…when did I put that there?’ I thought to myself.  I put my hand in my pocket and pulled out the marble I’d found that morning. “Oh my gosh!” I said aloud to an empty room. “They’re not the same one. I now have two blue and white marbles!” I suddenly had goosebumps up and down my arms; I knew Merle was close and enjoying my reaction. Thank you, Merle…I hear ya, but how do you do that? I was so excited by my find. I called my friends and sisters to tell them about the marbles from Merle, and the message that preceded it.

But that still wasn’t the end of it.

A week or so later, I noticed some ceiling plaster had fallen in a dark corner of my basement, so I turned on some lights

They just kept appearing!
One by one…they just kept appearing

and got the shop-vac going. I had just begun, when I spotted something round and whitish shining through the pile of plaster dust. I picked it up and I dusted it off – well, what do you know! A beautiful white and clear swirled marble! Then, the very next day, again in the basement, my heel spun on something hard when I went to get paint, and it went spinning across the floor–this time a black marble with white swirls. Ha! Merle, you’re certainly having fun with this. I had a distinct feeling he wasn’t going to stop until I had a “bowl of marbles.” Sure enough, later that week, a large jade-colored marble appeared near a pile of floor tiles in my basement workshop room.

I flew to Minnesota for Christmas soon after that, and brought the five marbles with me to show family. It felt like a collective Christmas present from Merle, and we all felt blessed by this amazing display of Spirit communication.

When I returned to Massachusetts, I found that Merle had continued to be quite busy in my basement.


I had just boxed up my Christmas decorations, and was storing them back in the basement. When I turned around, I saw something that made me gasp. There on the countertop in the middle of the basement’s main room were five colorful marbles – one bright yellow and the rest shades of green. Now, one of the rules of

Spiritualist-style mediumship is to check all possible explanations before resorting to the mystical; we need our evidence to be irrefutable! I knew that one of my tenants, Chris, had been re-organizing his stored boxes earlier in the week in that very room, so I thought that perhaps he had found them and placed them on the counter. When I asked Chris and his apartment-mate where the marbles had been found, neither had ever seen them before. And no other human, besides the three of us, had been in my basement in months.

Let me note here that in alternative healing circles, green is considered a healing color. Also, our body is often represented by a house in mediumistic and dream symbology, and the “basement of our house” typically represents the lower chakras, or energy centers. It just so happens, that it was in the area of my second chakra that the most healing was needed. You see, Spirit never wastes an opportunity for symbolic connections, because these analogies stay with us longer.

So, in the end, five different rooms in my basement offered up one or more marbles. What’s more, I now have a bowl of marbles—ten in all—all shapes, all sizes, all gifts from my brother, Merle, in Spirit. In the photo below, you’ll see how each marble is unique and beautiful!

A “Bowl of Marbles” from my brother Merle

Parting Thoughts

It’s always fascinating to me when the message from Spirit is prophetic and when the validation is physical. Beyond the primary message, which in this case was for me to stay the course on my healing path, it tells us two things: that spirit can see into our futures—at least the most energetically probable path, and that they can manipulate the physical. Where Merle got the marbles from, I’ll never know. They look antique, like they would have belonged to the children who lived in my house a century ago, and maybe they did, but where were they? I have cleaned my basement end to end many times over the ten years I’ve lived here, and never, ever found a marble; nor have I since, I should add.  If I hadn’t gotten Merle’s message through Phyllis, I wouldn’t have understood what the marbles were all about–a physical reminder that our Loved Ones are there for us. I  would have simply filed it under “mysterious and inexplicable things that happen to me.” But because a medium  was able to deliver Merle’s message in words prior to the extraordinary appearance of the marbles, the mysterious became the mystical. Every day, when I walk through my dining room and I see my “bowl of marbles,” I think of Merle’s active participation and loving guidance in my life, and I am profoundly grateful for it.  And I am reminded to take good care of my body, i.e. to stick to my alkaline diet!

Response from Phyllis

When I shared the validation with Phyllis via email, she wrote back, “I always like feedback and I thank you for taking the time and effort to do so. Spirit lets you know that they are always with you in one way or another.  So, whatever we receive [as Mediums], no matter how simple it sounds, we give it out. It may not mean anything to us, but might make all the difference to the one receiving the message. And I’m glad to hear that you’ve got all your marbles!  Keep them in a bowl to remind you of Spirit. Renee, I remember that Spirit worked in the same manner before with you. It was with dimes, when you were in Boston with your nephew.” Yes…and that story can be found here.

Share your Story: Have you ever experienced the manifestation or teleportation* of physical objects by Spirit? If so, please share your experience using the comment box below. What did it mean to you? Who do you think was behind it, and what was the message?

With Love and Light ~ Renee Buck

*the transfer of matter from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them

115 thoughts on “Marbles from Merle: Spirit Communication with Physical Objects

  1. This is the most amazing, uplifting story I’ve ever heard! I had goose bumps running up and down my arms the entire time I was reading it. It reaffirms everything I’ve believed my entire life….that our spirits do live on after our bodies die, and our loved ones are always with us! Merle is quite a special brother. Thank you for sharing Renee.


    1. Hi, my name is Tony and I have been working on a house in Florida Melbourne area. I redid the floor in the living room cleaned up the whole area and out of nowhere I found a green and clear Marble and I had experiences with spirit. I’m wondering if this was a message from one of them maybe my late ex mother-in-law. What do you think?


      1. Hi Tony! Thank you for sharing your story. It’s so amazing to receive a marble out of nowhere! My most recent post is about that. You’ll find it on my home page. So, Tony — I have a few questions for you. Why do you think it might be your late ex mother-in-law? And what is the experience with Spirit? Was it on the same day as the Marble appearing? Give me some more details! Thanks!
        ~Love and light,


      2. AMAZING I HAVE FOUND 4 THIS WEEK HAD NO IDEA WHAT TO DO THINKING Where did it come from no kids around and found in 2 different part way apart


      3. My son passed 5 months ago. I’m remodeling his house to sell. I ask him to let me know if he approves. This morning I opened the door to his house and there was a red and white marble asi stepped inside. Was not there yesterday. , Kathy


      4. Hello Kathy – thank you for sharing your experience. I felt tingles as I read it – I’ve no doubt your son worked hard to get that marble to you. I hope you find more!
        Love and light, Renee


    2. Hey! I was glad to have found your post because I too have been finding marbles in odd places. I bought a jar to keep them in. I am not 100% sure who is sending them to me but I have an idea who it may be…… I think they may be from someone that crossed over who I deeply love, respect and view as a mentor. I also started finding heart shaped rocks all over my property. It gives me a feeling of love, companionship, support and guidance. 😄


    3. Hello my name is Donna. Oh my gosh, I to have a short story about marbles. I had a sister die back in December 2018. She was my rock. I miss her so much. I’m always looking down on the ground for pennies but i have been finding marbles one at a time and i have now found about 8 of them in different places. These marbles r in the ground just showing enough for me to see them and i just dig them out and stick the marble in my pocket, at the end of day i take out and throw them in my pocket book. I’ve been wondering about these marbles. Well i just listen to video on pennies and dimes that it’s sign of spirit. So i’m now learning that my sister is trying to let me know shes with me i am so amazed. I just cried when i finally figured the marbles, pennies and dimes I’m encountering are signs, and so your story touched me as well. Thank you for sharing.
      Donna Mcginnis


      1. Hi Donna – thank YOU for sharing your story. I am so amazed at how many people are finding marbles from Spirit. It’s very exciting, right? To find one and think of your sister and to know she sent them just to say, “I’m here and I’m okay!” Much love to you, Donna. Keep your your eyes open for more.
        Love and light,


    4. So, a short mother’s day story in memory of my Godmother, paternal aunt Claire, from her namesake… So, about 5-7 years ago I randomly started finding marbles in odd places… I found the first one under a bush at the ymca in New Bedford… I heard this whisper look over there 👀 and found a marble… At the same time my Godmother popped into my thoughts…

      And from then on I would just randomly think of my aunt, my God mother, and I would find a marble or marbles… Well today we stopped at a little country store that sells little antique treasures… and low and behold My God mother’s sign… Almost missed them, as they were hiding on a shelf in back of a huge pointer finger, lol 😆 Yep, Aunt Claire is helping me find my lost marbles…

      Sharing with the cousins… I wish I knew her better, but she is making herself known from the heavens… Happy Mother’s Day to all…
      So funny as I am posting this we are watching an old Clint Eastwood movie and I here “and we have to tell Auntie Claire,” I kid you not… Believe in Magic Peeps❤🌹🌷🌻🍀😇💛😘

      Marble is believed to provide clarity, self-control and stability both physically and emotionally. It is used as a symbol of purity and immortality. WOW! I Was going through such a difficult time in my life, and coming out the other side of despair when she starting coming through, clarity and stability threefold; mentally, physically and spiritually was resurfacing in my life…


      1. Hello Claire! Thank you for sharing your lovely (and fun!) story of connection. Sounds like Auntie Claire has quite mastered her magical communication skills! ~ Love and light, Renee


    5. My name is Richard I live in Deltona Florida. We have a strange thing that’s happening here. We lived here for 3 years and it’s like once a month I’ll walk out in the driveway and I’ll find a clear marble in the middle of the driveway. The driveway is at a hill, so as soon as you touch it, it rolls, but it was sitting there some way, somehow not moving. How did it get there? I found 15 of them so far.


      1. Hi Richard – wow! That’s a remarkable story. All of them are clear? Or different colors? And do you find them at a certain day of the month? Could it be the date of passing or a birthday of a Loved One in Spirit? Every marble is a clue and timing and placement makes a difference! Tell us more. 😀


  2. Hi. I recently have also been finding marbles. My first two in my bedroom were clear crystal ball like, the second I booted while walking my dog on the common, the third in our alleyway – white blue and green – as i was getting in my husband’s car, and lastly, the forth in our conservatory – jet black. Last Sunday, 29th dec 2015, I had gone on a motor bike ride with my husband and stopped at a country cafe and as i was standing in the queue, there on the floor in front of me by the doors was a a clear marble with a blue feather twist inside. I don’t get it.


    1. Hello Joanne! I would say that someone in Spirit is trying to get your attention. See if you can find any link between the various locations and someone you know who passed. Write all these places down on a piece of paper and see if a pattern of associations doesn’t emerge. And once you figure it out, please tell us!

      Thank you so much for sharing your story. I look forward to the next installation, Joanne.

      Love and light,


      1. I tried a new meditation method to connect with my quantum higher self, and on the end of the conversation he gave me a present. It was a bag of marbles. I had no idea what it meant. Thank you for this post, this are becoming more clear now. Have not found a marble in my physical world yet though…


    2. Hi. I find marbles in the sand, in my yard. They are different colors. BUT, they are crackled, just on the inside. They are smooth on the outside. I found one this morning. All I saw was a glint. Dug it out, and surprise! Same thing. Crackled on the inside. I have lived here for 2 years. And have found 8 marbles.


      1. Hi Shirley!

        Thanks for commenting. How fun to find so many marbles! Do you have any sense of who might be behind the marbles? Are you paying attention to where you’re finding them? Is there a pattern? Consider the colors – is there a connection to needed healing in your body (Chakra colors)?

        Love and light,


      2. Hi. Greetings from Ireland. Strange unexplained things regularly happen to me and only a few nights ago I was sitting watching tv with my wife and little one gone to bed. Now I was in our sitting room which has an adjoining double door which leads to my kitchen which I left partially open. I heard a shuffling/shifting noise from the kitchen which caught my attention and then a marble type ball came quickly STRAIGHT through the open door into the room that I was sitting in at high speed and just a little over the carpet. It was very colourful and revolving like it was motorized. Now I got a shock to say the least and was startled for a few seconds and I said to myself that I have to go and find this marble…but it had vanished as if it never existed. I checked my wife and little one and they were both fast asleep. What on earth does this mean?
        Denis McAuliffe


      3. Wow! Denis, that is an amazing story — a marble zipping about in the air! So, it shot out (or rolled out) of the kitchen to where you were in the sitting room and when you when to get a closer look, it had just disappeared? Did you find anything amiss in the kitchen? Tell me more about your other “strange things that happen.” Have you ever seen or felt a Spirit in your home? It seems to me that they are trying to get your attention, and doing quite a good job of it!

        Love and light,


      4. Hi. It’s Shirley again. I was out in the yard again. I looked down, and there was another marble. I really started looking. After about 5 minutes, I found a total of 5 marbles. All crackled on the inside, smooth on the outter side. What’s going on?

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I’ve been finding marbles in odd places, too. On top of a snow bank at the side of a country road, in a silverware pouch that the family silver came in, on the basement floor. Not sure if I can connect them in any way…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Maria,

      Stay observant. I still don’t understand all the hows and whys myself, but sometimes we connect the dots, and it’s exciting.

      Love and light,


  4. I found a green marble yesterday and a blue one today. Just moved to a new place it is on a farm. My children are older I know they aren’t mine. I found the other at other house by door. Not sure what to think of this I do find dimes and pennies often.


    1. Hello Tracy! Is someone in Spirit trying to get your attention? Pay attention to the various locations you find the marbles, and see if a pattern of associations doesn’t emerge. A physical house is also representative of one’s own body – consider the metaphysical energy system of the chakras, the colors. Are there messages within?

      Love and light,


  5. Many years ago after the birth of my first child we were living in a small rental looking for a home for rent. My husbands aunt called to ask us if we would like to rent her rental home because she was evicting the current tenants.

    My husband did not want to live there because it was the home his uncle had committed suicide in many years before. I discussed with him the opportunity to live in a huge four bedroom home with a large backyard for very cheap rent and we couldn’t pass it up! Finally he agreed and we went to see the house after the tenants moved.

    Well they all smoked inside and the house was a stinky mess! So I agreed to clean and repaint the house in exchange for a deposit. His aunt agreed and we got to work painting cleaning and repairing the home before we moved in.

    On the last day of cleaning everyone left the home except his aunt and myself. I was just tidying up the remaining cleaning supplies and putting it all in the garage when she came to me and handed me the new keys for the locks she just changed. She then left and went home.

    After everyone was gone I went to every room of the house and made sure they were empty and did a little prayer through the house.

    As I was leaving I grabbed a towel and wiped the kitchen counter from one end to the other and tossed the towel in the garage, looked back at my new clean kitchen, smiled and then left.

    I went back to the house first thing in the morning and walked in the kitchen to find a black shiny rock sitting on the counter.

    I know it was not there the night before it was the last place I looked at after I wiped it down.

    I called my aunt to ask her if she came back last night and she didn’t. No one had been in that house and she and I were the only two people to have keys.

    I put the rock in my pocket and went on with moving in. When my mother arrived to help I told her what happened and I showed her the rock. She told me that it was not a rock but it was an apache tear. In fact it was the largest apache tear she had ever seen. She took it outside to show me that we could see through it when held up to the sun.

    It was then that I put it together, the apache tear was a gift from our late uncle who was full American Indian and he was still there.

    In the couple years that we lived there, my mother, my son, my best friend and I had all seen him on several occasions.

    When we moved out and I had the opportunity to sit in the empty house alone once again I had a full conversation with him. He some how figured out how to turn the bedroom light on and off. one blink for yes, two for no. I thought maybe I was going nuts but the questions I asked and the answers I got I verified with my aunt. It was him.

    The apache tear is still with me, right now it sits on my desk as a reminder that I am always protected.


    1. Cathy,
      What a fascinating story! Thank you so much for taking the time to share it with my readers. Would you be open to me sharing it in a post for more people to see?
      Love and light,


  6. Today I was at the park walking back home and I dropped my phone on the ground and right there was clear marble. Does a clear marble have any specific meaning? Just wondering.
    Thanks 😊


    1. Hello Isabel! I am not sure if I can attribute a specific meaning to a clear marble, accept that it would reflect white light, which is the highest of vibrations. Let the marble soak up sunlight, and hold it in your prayers. It might bring some extra clarity to the answer. ALSO… on Saturday morning, while cleaning my apartment, I gave my brother Merle, a task to either send me a marble or have someone say “marble” to me in the next week–as a sign that he’s around me. About two hours later, in the mediumship class I teach late Saturday mornings, one of my students said “marbles” during our discussion. And now, a day later, you have found a marble, and drawn my attention to Merle’s marble story. So, I would say he’s delivering! From that point of view, I say to you Isabel, “Thank you, from both of us!” Keep watching for marbles; perhaps you’ll end up with a bowl of marbles from Spirit just like I did! In love and light, Renee


  7. I have a green marble that keeps following me in my house. I keep putting it away and it keeps showing up randomly in my home. Today it was next to a penny heads up which represents a boy that died 8 years ago…not sure who the marble is …maybe my best friend carl who was murdered 2 years ago…


    1. Hello Charlene!
      Now that’s interesting…a marble that follows you around. Pay close attention to all the places it shows up, and see if you can draw connections, as you did to the boy who died. It could be that a variety of spirits are working together to simply let you know that they are alive in Spirit. Take it a step further, even. Say to your friend, that you’d like to find the marble in a place that connects to her – you can keep it to yourself, write it on a piece of paper, or say it aloud. Experiment and see what happens – and then report back!
      ~In love and light,


  8. Hi Renee, During the past couple weeks, I have been finding marbles under one of our trees in the backyard. The first three times, it was one at a time, then today, two within a few feet of each other. I didn’t know if the dog was digging them up from the dirt, but they’ve all been found within the same couple square yards outside our back door. We are out there a lot because it’s near the grill, so I’m actively looking at this point. It made me worry a little because the dog could accidentally ingest one and choke, but they’re smallish and smooth. I posted this on FB just a little while ago and one of my friends linked me to your site. What I didn’t post publically is that the location is under the bedroom window of my deceased daughter. She died in that room. She leaves signs for me all the time, and I make sure to collect the coins, but this is pretty cool. Thanks for sharing the story of Merle. It warms my heart that they are still busy on the other side, dreaming up ways to connect and affirm their love for us. It never ends.


    1. Joanne,
      Wow – I got shivers reading your story. Yes, it does sound like your daughter is VERY busy gathering marbles to show you she’s there with you. Life goes on and love shines brightly through the Veil! You must have a cup of marbles by now as well! If you send me a photo, I’ll be happy to share at the bottom of my post. My email:
      ~In love and light, Renee


  9. I lost my Dad suddenly last year. He was my best friend, my rock and the person to whom I was closest to in this world. I in turn was those things to him. I have been finding random dimes ever since and being a true believer in Spirit, know it is him just letting me know he is still with me. The places where I find them sometimes just make me giggle. For awhile I was finding nickels, at which time I joked with him that he was only thinking about me half as much! That was short-lived. I have had a few situations since I lost him where I certainly wanted to talk to him and hear his words of wisdom. I have been noticing an awful lot of butterflies around me these days also. Place in which butterflies normally wouldn’t be. They will actually touch me on occasion. I looked up butterflies on the internet and read about their meaning of Spirit messages and rebirth the same way a butterfly goes from caterpillar to pupa to butterfly that flies away after freeing itself from the cocoon. As I am struggling with a major decision in my life right now, which essentially would be a re-birth of sorts, I took that to mean I am on the right path. Two days ago I was moving things into a new storage locker that I am renting from someone in my condo building. How I came to even get a spare locker for one and then this particular locker and the person who owns it is in itself a very strange story (most may not even see how incredible it is) but as I am also a believer in signs and just going with things that happen I knew it was for a reason. Before I started loading all my boxes into the locker, I noticed a clear marble in the middle of the floor. It is pristine, which is amazing considering where it was. I immediately looked to see if there was a meaning for marbles and came across this story. Amazing. Thank you for sharing. I am hoping to have more marbles left for me also. I feel it is my Dad encouraging me to stay on this path of re-birth and know he will still be here for me when I need him.


    1. I love your story, Penny. These are perfect examples of how our Loved Ones in Spirit work with us, for desperate are they to let us know they live on, and they love and support us in all our Earthly challenges. Thank you for taking time to tell your story with my readers!
      ~In love and light, Renee


  10. My mother was my best friend and for the past 7 years, I have found marbles. My son is moving into my parent’s home. Yesterday he was pulling up the carpet He was down to the carpet pad and it stopped and said “here mom”. It was another marble. In between the carpet and the pad.


  11. This is the first time I’ve come across other situations like ours. We moved to our home eleven years ago and my eldest and I have found marbles of all kinds surfacing and some buried some just sitting on top the ground in the backyard. We also have found a few old toys including a sawdust filled lion. Now I cannot explain how something like a cloth lion would have survived outside long. As far as I know no one has actually passed in our home, however I have been told many times in my life that I have a safe passage or portal around me for comforting spirits and a healer of two realms. Different people – strangers, told me that so I think that’s interesting not many people just go around freely talking about that stuff unless compelled. We definitely are not alone. My grandma was murdered last year and my toddler has told me she is in the garden several times now.


    1. Hello Jennifer!

      Thank you for commenting here. Sounds like there’s a LOT of loving Spirit activity around you, and I would say that a Spirit left that lion for your child to play with. Could it be your grandmother? Does the timing fit? Also – a lion might represent astrological LEO (her, you, your child), so see if that fits. If so, just take it as evidence. I love that your child can see your grandmother. Many children can see Spirit when young and lose the ability after a time. Ask your child as much as you can and record it in a book or by tape. There should be plenty of evidential information if you ask specific questions. What is grandma doing? Wearing? Saying? Where does she live? Why does she visit? You get the idea. Proof that our Spirits live on, and that their love for us endures. Keep us posted! I’m so curious!

      Love and light,


  12. For the second time in 3 days I found perfect pristine white marbles close to 2 different wooded areas! I truly believe an angel s by them to me and are trying to convey a message! What could it be??? Does anyone know???


  13. Hi. I am adding my comments as ever since I was a little girl I would find random marbles . I would run inside and tell my mum that the fairies had left me a marble. As I have gone through life, 60 years this year, the gift of marbles has continued . in my case it seems that they are sent to me when I need to be reminded that I am not alone. Instances of this has been when I am unsure of which path to follow, bereavements, confirmation that I am following spirit guidance. I write today because I found a marble today. It made me smile so much and give thanks as I have been questioning my path in so much as whether to continue or retreat and I feel clear to continue. Marbles are magic and spirit .


  14. Well said, Janice! “Marbles are magic and spirit.” I too am always uplifted when I get my signs from my loved ones in Spirit. And I agree – they seem to come when we most need them…or when we ask for them!

    Love and blessing to you, Janice!


  15. Hi Renee,

    I came across your beautiful marble story just now when I was searching for “marble symbolism.”

    Earlier today I took a guided meditation tour and the leader had us walk into a small house in the woods. In the house was a roaring fire in the fireplace, and in front of the fireplace was a low table (altar) with a few objects. The objects that materialized for me were all natural (pine cone, acorn, antlers, etc) except for one thing: a bowl full of marbles.

    Marbles have not been particularly meaningful for me in the past, so I was curious as to why they showed up in my meditation. Then I read the part in your story about how Merle said that your marbles symbolized “gathering insight and making progress towards your goals,” and everything clicked for me.

    I loved everyone’s marble stories in the comment section… I hope this is the beginning of finding marbles for me too!



    1. Hi Bets! Wow. That’s very interesting that a bowl of marbles showed up on your altar. I look at my marbles every single day and am reminded of my connection to Merle and others in Spirit, reminding me of my goals…and I just keep going! Thanks so much for taking the time to share your story.
      Love and light,


  16. HI, Renee!
    At a rented house we lived in, near Sedona, 8 years ago I kept finding clear, light green marbles on the back deck, just outside the back door and assumed they were rolling out from beneath the washer and dryer located just inside. 13 in all. We moved to another rented house in Cottonwood shortly after and ended up with 31 more marbles of the same color! My partner even heard 2 drop once, during a windy afternoon. So, 44 in all! At the time, my late father had dementia and Patrick suggested he was losing his marbles. Other psychics have suggested different meanings; that I would be working with children (not)… that a child in spirit was saying hi… whatever the reason, they are precious reminders to me of being able to manifest what is thought to be impossible.


    1. Caren – WOW! You have to read my more recent blogpost. ( It’s VERY similar to your story – and with green marbles. What also gets my attention is the number – 44. Were you aware of the spiritual significance of 4, 44, 444 etc.? The number 4 represents Spirit or Angels in many cultures.

      I would interpret the marbles as your father’s Loved Ones in Spirit sending the message that they were present and waiting for him, and also to soothe your sorrows.

      Thank you for sharing, Caren!

      Love and light,


  17. Hello. I’ve never really been attracted to spiritual things before or even believed they were real until I read this. But, about a week or two ago I was in my backyard and I saw a sparkly glint of something in the soil. Then, i dug it up and found a clear marble. Even since then I have found 4 more marbles in the same place in my backyard. I have had any people in my life that have passed away so I don’t know what it means. Any ideas?


    1. Hi Lizzie,

      Thank you for commenting here. Mysterious… Have you had an increase in synchronicities lately? Or any other sign of Spirit working in your life, on your behalf? Is there anything significant about the location of the marbles?

      Love and light,


  18. I’ve been called intuitive and able to bring forth unusual sounds which later turned out to be native Indian language. but here in the last 6 months or so, I’ve been having constant dreams of a parallel world in which I live. last night’s dream made me take notice. most of the other “world” dreams have people I don’t know in them but last night had my dead grandparents. I was in a bedroom of what seemed to be their house. a strange lady gave me a box of clothes and misc. items. after looking though it, it looked as if it was a lost ‘n found box: a fat woman’s wallet with old photos, tee shirts that definitely weren’t my grandparents, etc. Then a man walked in the room, over to a dresser…then as he walked out he dropped at least 20 marbles across the carpet. he told me to pick them up. They were mostly clear with color inside, some large and some very small. Then, the dream ended.
    I’ve had many unusual gifts given before such a dimes. apx 3 yrs ago for apx 2 weeks I kept finding dimes everywhere. even in a forest trail! SO, might my dream marbles be a spiritual awakening ? I haven’t found any physical marbles but it’s definitely something that got my attention in my dream world.
    thanks for any insight.


    1. Hi Tracy,

      Very interesting dreams! Were there some personal secrets of your grandparents that later came to light? The lost and found, the dresser, etc point to personal things hidden or lost. As to the marbles…this is the first time someone has presented this. And I like your interpretation. It could very well signal the heightening of your connection to Spirit and through it, perhaps some discoveries will be made. Keep your eye out for real marbles — and play close attention to where you find them!

      In love and light,


  19. I found a blue marble in my back yard about a month ago and then today I found another(this time a large cats eye) outside my new portable classroom. Both of them brought a smile to my face and made me wonder…


  20. I also for over 30 years find random marbles…a good bowl full myself. Moving into new place two months ago I found a beautiful green striped one in a kitchen drawer. I think it’s from my Mom who died when I was eleven and she was 29.


    1. Kimberlee – Sorry! I didn’t see that you had commented. Thank you so much for sharing your story. You Mom was perhaps welcoming you to your new home, letting you know she’s with you. Have you found any more, since living there?

      Love and light,


  21. Hello Renee,
    My name is Lorena and I also have found marbles around my house. I usually find them either in the back or front yard and I always thought it was amazing. I often find them right in front of me out of nowhere. I’ve been wondering for quite some time what it meant to find marbles. Thank God I found this page and finally got an idea. I’ve found them over the years and so far have gathered 17 of them. I once found half of one but since it was broken I got rid of it. Now I feel I should have kept it. I really have not experienced anything of spiritual nature but I have a feeling that angels have brought them to me.


  22. I appreciate your story and everyone’s comments, I never knew this was a thing. Not really sure where to start, I’m still trying to figure out how this was even possible… Yesterday my fiend and I went to play pool together at a pool hall. As I was looking to line up a shot I literally saw a clear marble literally apprear out of nowhere, almost as if someone had slowly rolled it onto the table. The only thing was there was no one by the table but me. The closest person was my friend five feet away leaning against the wall who caught my instant reaction to it and said he thought I must have rolled it onto the table, but I certainly hadnt. The marble came from the other side of the table. It was the short side of the table too, not the long way, so it happened right in front of my eyes. I want to say I almost saw it appear out of no where, but I cant be cetain. We looked at every possible explanation, but no one could have thrown it, we were at a corner table so no one was close to ours. We thought maybe it fell from the top of the light above the table, but we tried replicating that drop and that’s not what happened because every time we did it ther was a loud noise when it hit and I didn’t hear a sound when I saw it appear and it was a very smooth roll almost as if someone was standing next to the table and rolled slowly the marble onto it. That was the only thing that could replicate the way the marble rolled onto the table after trying everything we coukd think of. My friend swears that the only explanation is that I did it and was messing with him, that is what he left thinking and now wont let me bring it up because his “official explanation” has me as being the reason this happened, so its frustrating. And for what it’s worth, no I didn’t have any top pockets or anything that the marble could have rolled out of my clothes somehow. I admit something simple like that is typically the best explanation, but in this case we looked at every logical explanation and it led my friend to conclude it had to be me because the other explanation was not one he’s willing to consider let alone accept. For me I can’t stop thinking how the moment I first saw it. It’s weird to describe something as magical, but magical is really the only way I can describe it. Anyhow I just wanted to share here since most people I’ve told think there must be a simple explanation, and I wish there was, but this is one thing I cannot explain even though I really wish I could.


    1. Kevin – wow. Thank you so much for sharing. It’s absolutely magical that you were THERE to see the marble just drop from thin air. As you know, some have heard them drop and then found them, and many of us simply find them. There’s indeed something magical going on and it’s really quite thrilling. Question for you: did someone special in your life recently pass into Spirit? Or is there someone you think about a lot in Spirit? If so, they may be simply wanting to get your attention, to let you know they’re around you and supporting you. It could even be someone who liked to play pool…?

      Love and light,


  23. Hi, I’m excited to read your story, and to find that there’s other marblers out there! I’ve been finding marbles my entire life and it didn’t occur to me until I was in my thirties that it was something unusual. I’ve never been able to figure out the rhythm or rhyme to it. I’m not sure if they’re sent to protect me or to warn me, because they always seem to come during troubled times(which is unfortunately often). It had actually been a few months since I found one but just last week I found six. I’ve never been sure what to do with them, of course I’ve kept them, I have jars and jars of them. Also interesting, I don’t always personally find them, there have been a few instances where I have been gifted marbles but the giver did not realize that I “collect” them. In particular one of my clients went on vacation in the desert, she says that for some reason she had remembered something I said and then looked down and saw a marble by her feet in the sand, so she decided to fly it home and give it to me. When I told her what a coincidence it was she explained to me that her mother also used to find marbles. She would hang them with wire from her ceiling.
    I’ve also had people run up to me in public to hand me the marble that they say had fallen off of me or that I had dropped, but I know that I was “marble free” at the time.
    I wish I knew where they were coming from, I wish I knew what they meant, and I wish I knew what to do with them. But in the meanwhile, I love them!


    1. Hi Emilie!
      Thank you so much for sharing your story. My favorite line: “I’ve also had people run up to me in public to hand me the marble that they say had fallen off of me or that I had dropped, but I know that I was “marble free” at the time.” Be sure to read the more recent marbles post — about marbles dropping from thin air. It’s similar to yours – marbles observed dropping from thin air. Extraordinary!
      ~Love and light,Renee


  24. Hi All!
    I’ve been finding marbles in and around my house for the past 3 years or so.They are usually outdoors on the deck in front of the backdoor but they have also appeared several times in the house.They are always clear marbles..It is just my husband and I and our large,intimidating dog.We don’t have children and our friends are not pranking us, in fact most are quite freaked out about it.It almost always happens when we aren’t home,except one time when I found 2 marbles in the living room after I got out of the shower.I had vacuumed the living room prior to the shower,so the marbles definitely appeared while I was home.My dog has been home on most of the occasions when the marbles have been left and my husband and/or I have come home to find them.My dog is a large Shepard mix and barks loudly and excessively when people come to the house.Who ever is leaving the marbles isn’t afraid of dogs,that’s for sure!
    At present time we have accumulated 32 marbles.Four months ago we moved to a new home,into the house next door(kinda weird,I know,but we love neighborhood and so we jumped at the chance to buy our next door neighbor’s bigger,better home-LOL!)
    I thought the marble activity would cease in the new home,but yesterday I found a clear marble on the back deck by the back door….so here we ago again!


    1. Shawn – WOW! 32 marbles! And it’s so impressive how they are showing up, and now again in your new house. Can you connect the first appearance of the marbles to a passing of a Loved One? Keep us posted!
      Love and light,


  25. Lost my grandmother almost 5 months ago and I’m a complete mess from it. I was raised by my grandparents on my dad’s side and my dad, and it was always the 4 of us. They were the enjoyment of my childhood, my security and we were just the perfect family. Lost my grandpa a little over 10 years ago, my dad a little over 3 years ago and now my grandma almost 5 months ago and I’m heartbroken. I have two young children which I have been blessed with and which truthfully have kept me alive these last few months. My grandma and I were so close, she was my mother, my right hand, always there for me, my best friend and when I had my children, I stayed with her and we had a family, the 4 of us. She got sick and passed from cancer. She had two sons left which I do not have a good relationship with, and they kept her in a nursing home. I begged to let me care for her because I knew she would never make it out of there and not get better at all. That was the worst that could happen to her and in about 3 months, she passed.

    While at the nursing home, my mom made her a vase with blue marbles and artificial flowers; when my grandma passed, I kept the vase and flowers. I’m not currently in my house and today I found two green marbles attached together on an ice cream container that I had left out on the counter. My grandma is full Irish. My children were here but one of them napping and my daughter said that she did not see those marbles in the house. I had not seen those before and she said my son did not have them or leave them there and he was sleeping anyway. My grandma’s birthday is on the 23rd of this month, I asked her once a year or so ago that when she left me to please visit me from above in a dream format because I am scared of any kind of presences, but I have yet to dream of her. 😦 However I also have not been to the cemetery since she left me and I am thinking she may be upset with me for that because I just don’t feel that she is with me at all in the home I have shared with her all these years; the home is empty and just cold and I feel sad there and just sad overall.

    After finding this story today, I am so hopeful it’s a sign from her and I beg for more. When I lost my grandpa, I dreamt approximately a year or so after his passing that he visited me and I knew he had already passed but I hugged him and didn’t want to let him go because i knew he had passed but he was with me in my dream. I got to ask him if he was happy and he said yes, but he looked sad. I also had an encounter before that when I felt a tug on my arm while driving. This was shortly after he passed and I think that was my grandpa. During my adult years, I had minor issues with my dad but I was so attached to my grandparents and loved them with all my heart. Thank you so much for reading, I know this is long and I appreciate the space to vent and let out some pain and hopeful wishing. I’m also desperately seeking someone I can talk to that is GENUINE and will connect me to my grandma even though I am c=Catholic and I believe in God and know that He knows best. I just never went this long without her and it’s really torture for me. Thanks again.


    1. Dear Maryalice — thank you so much for sharing your story with me and my readers. It is exciting for me to read all these stories of people finding marbles where marbles should not be found! I fully believe your Loved Ones in Spirit are responding to your need for a sign — and what better than to be surprised with something beautiful and unexpected. It sounds like your Grandfather has some pretty powerful Spirit energy to find his way into your dream communications and also to tug on your arm! Trust me — your Grandma and Grandpa and your father are as desperate for you to acknowledge their signs as you are to receive them! I’m also pretty sure they got you searching online just to find all these amazing stories that other readers have shared as well and to life your spirits! Stay positive and eyes wide open, my dear. I doubt you’ve found the last of your marbles. 🙂

      Love and light,


  26. Both my parents passed away last year, eight months apart. Earlier this year, as I was sweeping the driveway of my parents’ house, getting it ready for a showing in order to sell, I found a red marble. I found it so unusual, since there are no kids in the neighborhood, that I kept it and put it away. Early in September, I moved into a new house and again, while sweeping up leaves and brush on the driveway, I found two marbles, clear with a swirly colored center. Again finding it odd, since the prior owner had no young kids and there are none in the neighborhood, I collected them.
    Just a few moments ago, I went to check my mailbox, looked down and found three more marbles. I’m amassing a nice collection!
    I can’t help but smile when I find them and I’m so glad I found this site.
    Thank you!


    1. Wow! That’s a wonderful story. It’s so comforting, to think that your parents are dropping marble “crumbs” for you to find. They so much want you to know that they are with you and sending their love. I love that they followed you from their house to your new one. Thanks for sharing, IMG.

      In love and light,


  27. Hi my 5yr old daughter, twice now in a week has had marbles under her bed. 3 the first time, now 4. Can someone help. Have had odd going ons in my home now for a year. This however i know is not us, I’ve never brought my kids marbles.


    1. Hi Leah,

      Have you had a Loved One pass into Spirit in the past year? They may be trying to reach you or your daughter. You might try to communicate via questions like, “If this is Mary, could you validate by leaving just one marble?” Keep us posted!

      Love and light,


  28. Was down in the basement of our apartment complex been down there many times but this morning I found a clear marble right by my foot was right in the walking path struck me as odd


      1. Theres a girl that was close to me that came up missing my mother and father both committed suicide mom in 08 dad in 16


  29. Hello Renee my story starts probably 2 years ago when my first solid blue marble appeared, it was beside the gate into my horse’s paddock I just thought that’s nice and popped it on the brick gate post a little while later another one appeared exactly the same-odd I thought and put it beside the first one a short while later a third one appeared! Then they all disappeared which I was sorry about. Last year I had to have my beautiful horse put to sleep I was distraught I still speak to him every day! As I was taking my dogs for a walk around the field I found a blue marble this time I put it in my pocket. Walking around the woods again with my doggy friends a flash of blue caught my eye directly in front of me I walked on a couple of steps shook my head and thought, no it couldn’t be so I back tracked and scraped at the soil with my foot and yes it was a blue marble! 2 now ! I put them on my window sill in the kitchen. A few days later again in the woods with my girlies (dogs ) I was astonished right in my path a marble not blue this time, solid white with colours through it. 2 days ago I was in the field picking up horse muck and directly in my path, another blue marble, now this is getting spooky! Yesterday I rode my new horse never before had he stopped for a wee while we were out but yesterday he stepped onto the grass verge for a wee I took my weight off his kidneys patted him and glanced down and besides his front hoof was another marble, white with colours throughout! Really excited now I googled it and your site came up! I wonder if it could be my wonderful Roc asking me to move on and give this new horse a chance as he’s trying hard to please me ? Of course I adored Roc so much and felt myself holding back with Storm all the time I now feel the need to try to make a connection with Storm in honour of Roc. I would welcome your comments and ideas. I have said to Roc, “ if this is you my angel please leave me another marble soon “ looking forward to your reply kind regards Catherine x


    1. Hi Catherine – such a wonderful story! And how rare to find marbles out in the fields–and so many! I’m glad you found us. There are a lot of similar stories shared here, so I hope you found them all comforting. Given the pattern, it does sound like Roc may be trying to get your attention. Trust the message and connect with Storm. Spirit always wants us to find joy in the present and with those that share our journey. Thank you so much for sharing your marbles story, Catherine! Feel free to add when more marbles show up!
      ~Love and light,


  30. hi! i was out modeling for the first time for portraits (very exciting for me since it’s only been in groups) and as we were heading back to the car, this milky royal blue marble was staring at me so i picked it up! sometimes i see very cool rocks on days that mean a lot to me, as if they were placed strategically placed right in front of me! i remember finding a giant blue marble as a kid…what a coincidence!


  31. When I was a child, I used to find 2 brand new marbles still in the plastic wrapping at least twice a week in my bedroom. I was about 3 years old and I always remember that. What is that about?? Any ideas??


    1. Hi John! Interesting. Given that they were still wrapped, I want to see if we can rule out the rational explanation – did you ever ask your parents or others living with you if they had put the marbles there for you to find? If they deny involvement, then you ask yourself if anyone in your family passed into Spirit just prior to the time you began finding the marbles. See what you can discover and report back!

      Love and Light ~ Renee


  32. Hey! once i was sitting on my bed and i saw a vision through my third eye. It was of a blue sky with loads of marbles rotating! they were with a mix of yellow and black. I’m painting a replica at the moment. Anyways, i went to the flea market the other day and saw, through the corner of my eye, a bowl with the exact marbles! it cost one dollar but the man gave it to me for free! this has definitely been my most amazing and unexplainable story!


    1. Hi Ingibjorg! Thank you for sharing your marbles story. When you hold them, can you feel any energy emanating? Keep us posted on any further precognitive finds! ~ Love and light, Renee


  33. I have been finding marbles in the basement of my old farm house for many years. Today I found one in my dryer. They may be from my mother but I’m not sure. I think I’ve always assumed they came from those who lived here before because I hear many house noises and see lights that go on and off. And, two people who lived here in the past have told me about their haunting experiences here. I am always looking for a logical reason for the appearance of these marbles but delighted to accept them as gifts from beyond. And, happy to see that others experience finding marbles too.


    1. Hello Karen! Thank you for sharing your story. I LOVE that you found one in the dryer. Ha! It’s comforting and fun to get this mystical “hellos” from Spirit in the form of a beautiful ball of glass. Whoever is leaving them, he or she sure wants you to find them and to be surprised and delighted — so if that sounds like your Mother, it probably is.
      ~Love and light, Renee


  34. Hello All. I work in asphalt. I’ve been doing it for about a decade. It’s not every driveway because I do a lot, but, I seem to come across marbles pretty frequently while digging out the grass at the edges before we install the new driveway. I never really tied it to anything spiritual until now. I always keep them, and they’re always pretty different in color, and occasionally size. Any insight would be appreciated. TYIA


    1. Hi Jeremy — that’s a very interesting observation. Marbles can indeed light our spiritual path, and the fact that they are lining driveways you’re creating/building …. well, symbolically perfect! As you find them, consider who in Spirit you’ve been thinking about, or what questions you might be puzzling through in your mind. Does the number of color of the marbles have any significance? ~ Love and light,


      1. The colors are always different so I can’t think of any relevance. Typically I only come across one. The day i posted I actually found 2 within a short span. A friend on Facebook shared this story when I posted the pic. It’s awesome, even if I don’t figure out the connection


  35. Several years ago, my ex-boyfriend and I used to occasionally play marbles – recreating some childhood fun. Odd I know for adults, but it was something we enjoyed. We parted ways two years ago (it was a difficult break up) and I moved away. Recently, I have been experiencing increasing synchronic events , and wondering why. Then two days ago, while working in my garden, I found a clear marble, with blue and yellow swirls, gingerly balanced on a rock. I am positive that it had not been there the day before. I picked it up and immediately thought of my ex-boyfriend. I called his phone and it had been disconnected. Then I Googled his name and discovered that he died on April 3, 2021. Gutted by his passing “finding” the marble (and this site) has brought a bit of comfort. I just know in my heart it was from him.


    1. Dear Torey – such a moving and beautiful story. Thank you so much for sharing it with me and my readers. You must have held a very special place in his heart, and I love that he left you a marble to let you know that.
      ~Love and light, Renee


  36. Hi my name is Heather and I live in Nova Scotia Canada. I just been recently realizing that there is more to this world and that there is a lot of spiritualism in this world that there are things in this world that we as a whole dont want to believe in. That we need physic protection that there is magic and that we are all part of it. This afternoon on my second day of realizing all that there is I went outside and enjoyed what mother earth has given to us. I sat with my bare feet on the ground and soaked up all the positive energy that my being could soak up. As I went to go back in to my home I saw the oddest thing in my garden. I had yet to plant anything yet but sitting there in the middle was a clear green glass marble. I was at first puzzled and confused but now I feel it was there to confirm to me that there are things out there that we cant explain and that it was there for a reason. I had earlier said to myself that the spirit that has been with me hasnt been an evil or wicked sprit but the spirit of my dearly departed Mother Valerie who died a few days after my birthday just over two years ago. I had moved back to my place of birth and it is there that at my moms home which my sister now has i felt her watching me as I pruned her tree in the garden. Then when i was clearing stuff away I heard my moms voice call out my name I looked up in time to see her dog BB getting to close to the busy road as a car was coming by and I was able to coax her from the road. I am not sure why I decided to share with you but no matter how many times i inquired about the green marble in different ways your website kept coming to me. I remember playing marbles as a kid and it brings up memories I thought I had long lost from my memory but at last they are still there.


    1. Hello Heather! Yes, there’s a LOT beyond this world of ours and every day I learn something new. It certainly does sound like your mother is around and about you. Just as your mother called out to you to alert you to danger for her dog, my sister Susie (in Spirit) called out to my other sister Connie many years ago to warn her that her 2-year old son had gotten locked out of the house in the middle of a Minnesota winter! They watch over us and do all they can to make us aware of their love and presence in our lives. Marbles are one way, but there are many! May these signs and messages bring you comfort.
      Love and light,


  37. My Son was killed in a car accident in 2016. Ever since I have several signs from him.
    Red birds, pennies, and of course marbles. My favorite color is purple and I randomly find purple marbles in all different locations. I found one today and picked it up and asked a friend what did she think that meant. She told me to Google and find out. I had not associated the marbles as a sign from my Son before but since I found your blog I now know it is. Makes me feel good to know this now. Thanks!


    1. Hi Cheryl! Thank you for sharing your story. Purple marbles! I’ve never seen one – must be beautiful. Purple, as you may or may not know, is the color of the Crown Chakra, a wheel of energy at the top of the head, which serves as our spirit antennae, allowing us to connect and communicate with Loved Ones and Guides in Spirit. So – it’s rather perfect! 😀
      Love and light,


  38. I inherited my childhood home after my parents passed away; my mother passed 16 years ago and my dad 4 years ago. I have a graduate degree in science and I was skeptical of the existence of spiritual messages. Then after my loved ones passed several very odd incidents occurred that defied explanation (the behavior of my dad’s cat is the most bizarre). Pertaining to marbles I was alone in the large secluded garden yesterday pulling a dense growth of weeds out of a large planter. The air was very still. The air suddenly picked up and the huge spruce trees began to sway and plant litter on the ground swirled. I had an overwhelming feeling that “the spirits are here”. I had a similar experience last summer in the partially enclosed patio when the wind rapidly picked up and everything swirled about. As the wind was blowing yesterday I pulled out weeds in the thick growth and found a green marble – it was my favorite marble from my childhood over 50 years ago. How did it get there in that growth in the planter that was built by my father many decades later?


    1. I got shivers reading your account, Lisa! Time is an earthly construct. Our souls know past, present, future – and one part of you or a guide perhaps knew you’d need to see or feel or experience the moment when the wind blew and earth sputtered and gave up your marble back into your care, a half of a lifetime later. Spirit is always reaching out, asking us to believe in the magic and miracle of eternal life. If you haven’t yet read it, you might enjoy my blog post: Live Love Laugh, a message from Laura, where I delve into the topic of time and spirit messages. Thank you for sharing!
      Love and light, Renee


  39. Hello reading your post about Merle was fascinating but for me still a little confusing. I found a marble today in my pocket that I am absolutely sure was not there. I was actually at work just returning from buying my lunch. Now not even 10 mins prior I had reached into my pocket to pay for lunch so I know there was no marble.By the time I got into my car and reached into my pocket there was a marble I really want to understand the message that is being sent so my question to you would be what should be my next step?


    1. Hi Taylor – sorry I didn’t see your comment get posted. I LOVE your story. Keep an eye out for more marbles – or perhaps you’ve gotten more since you posted in February. Who comes to mind when you find each one? Talk to that person and see if you don’t get some validation or tingles or something. ~Renee


  40. Yes, I would like to share my marble story.
    They are all clear white marbles I find all the time whenever I speak or think of my lost loved one. He is special to me. You see we met in jr.high . He has since passed on and I prayed for his journey. I love him and miss him ALOT-and he knows it. It makes me feel happy and goosebumpy when he leaves them for me to find them. I know he is always with me. I have found 8 so far(inside and outside).


    1. Wow, Mary – I got goosebumps reading this! Such a powerful soul he must be. It’s amazing that they are all clear white. So pure and beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing this. I wish there was a way to share a photo with your note, but I don’t think there is.
      Love and light,


  41. This is an old post, but maybe you’re still around. Here’s my story if you have any insight, it’d be much appreciated. My story differs bc I have no reason to believe it’s a relative in the spirit world so I would love to get your thoughts.
    I am a witch, fairly new to practicing. A few months ago I did a spell for something very important to me, as I had a complete lack of options in the mundane world. I did the spell, which included burning some herbs. Then I buried those herbs in a spot in my yard.
    Nothing happened, if anything the situation started to seem even more out of reach. I had been screaming at the gods and sky to pleeeaasseee help me, coming very close to a full mental breakdown, broken hearted and hopeless.
    Then yesterday, I noticed a white marble in my yard, sunk in a little bit, exactly where I buried the burnt remnants of my spell! I checked with my husband and he had no idea where it came from. I believe it has to be the divine, letting me know the spell was working even though I couldn’t see it. Or perhaps the person I was missing was suddenly missing me too, and her thoughts manifested into this little marble to let me know. I am just so thankful and grateful now. I begged from for something, some small piece of hope. And it was given to me .
    If you have any other thoughts as to it’s meaning I would love to hear from someone more experienced. Do you think spirits that are still living the on this earth can communicate in this way?


    1. Dear Yezebel – what a lovely, miraculous validation from the Universe/your Loved Ones that you are heard. I absolutely believe that these marbles are communications from our Loved Ones in Spirit. I would guess them to have transcended to have the intense power and energy to manifest something physical. Have you found more in the year since you wrote this?
      Love and light,


  42. I was told I was infertile (blocked fallopian tubes) about two weeks prior to this but I was channel surfing one evening and came across the last few minutes of a CSI episode where they were talking about when Grisholm had given Sarah a blue marble and asked her ‘What do you do when life hands you a blue marble?’ The answer was ‘You roll with it…’ Two days later I’m walking through town on my lunchbreak and had to give way to a car and I looked down in the gutter and saw a blue marble. I picked it up and thought ‘Well I guess I’ll just have to roll with it then.’ My daughter is 10 now and has been finding/giving me marbles since she was 1. I didn’t tell her the story until she was 7 so that she could understand the significance. She’s given me 22 so far.


  43. I found a marble a day for the past three days but why was the second one cracked and the third missing a slice! Should I be worried?


    1. Hi Kaylee, there’s any reason to worry, but consider what other message might be found here. I imagine these marbles are still beautiful? Perhaps the message is that even what appears broken or incomplete holds deep beauty and strength. We are all perfect/imperfect at the same time — and that’s okay!
      Love and light,


  44. Hi
    I went on a recent weekend away with a guy I started dating before Xmas. I strongly believe he is my twin flame or soul mate . We knew each other from childhood but only now we are romantically involved. All day on Saturday we started experiencing synchronicity between us. Like saying the same thing at the same time. Start singing a song as the other was about to press play on the same song . Thinking the same and almost communicating without words.

    Anyway we were walking back to the hotel and in my hand I had my Clear crystal , I think it’s quartz small sphere a bit bigger than a large marble. As we were walking I dropped it and it broke. So I left it there and said to the man I was with. Well it seems I don’t need that anymore.

    Anyway we went out for some drinks that night and walked back to the hotel. As we crossed a small road there was some leaves and fodder and I spotted something and picked it up. Don’t know what made me look down or why I picked it up. But it was a vintage large marble , clear with orange yellow and blue stripes eye shape inside.

    My dad passed away Aug last year. Do you think this was him telling me he is with me. Xx


    1. Hello Rachel – thank you for sharing your marble story. It sounds like quite the magical energy around you and your boyfriend on that day!

      I always tell people to pay attention to the first person who comes into their mind at the time they find the marble, because I believe that the physical objects and spiritual impressions are connected. If that’s your Dad in this case, then it could very likely be him. He’s probably very pleased with himself at this feat as well! 😀

      Love and light,


  45. When my step father passed away whom I was very close to pulling into the funeral home to make his arrangements getting out of his truck was when I found my first marble sitting on an incline in parking lot like I was not supposed to miss it. I picked it up placed it in my pocket then few days later dealing with my grieving mother placing her in the hospital I found 3 more in my jewelry box that had never been there before. Then when my mother passed on I again found more this time in the floor board of my car & once in my kitchen I mean these things were showing up all the time in places I know they were not at before & is when I began trying to figure out the meaning of it. And it only makes sense that they would try to communicate with me being that we were so close. It’s now been a few yrs & I’d not found a marble in sometime until the other day randomly there was one & it immediately made me smile. I had to dig out my little pouch id put all my previous marbles in to add this one & counted them all having a sack full there is now 12 all together in my bag. And going my entire life never finding them or seeing them until loosing the ones closest to me I do believe it’s a sign from them maybe just reminding me that there’s someone watching over me still. Either way it gives me great comfort & pray that I continue to find them for all my days to come.


  46. I’ve found so many marbles in the strangest of places over the past several years. I’ve been trying to find others with a similar experience. They’ve been meaningful, as I know they’ve been sent to me, but I just wish I knew why and by whom. I’ve found them in two separate homes, at random stores as I shop, on the ground in parking lots, on a campground in the middle of an off season, taking a walk on the side of the road in my neighborhood etc…


    1. Hi Margo – it sounds like your Loved Ones are definitely trying to get your attention. Are they coming at time when you’ve just done something they might be thanking you for? Or to encourage you on your path? Think about what’s happening in your life when you find them and see if there’s a pattern – they might not be as random as you think! Love and light, Renee


  47. I was painting on some artwork project I was working on for the last month. I just cleaned up the are around it and got out a fresh paint tray. I then sat down to paint and there in my paint tray covered was a small marble like the ones pictured in your first marble post! I had not left the space and it wasn’t there minutes before? None have been in my house and I have never seen such a marble! From reading your other posts I wonder if perhaps my mom is reaching out. She promised to send pennies from heaven before she passed and I typically find one at critical and meaningful moments. I had just done a good deed for my black sheep brother that all other siblings have written off and was expecting to find a penny as approval. Perhaps this was marble worthy😊


    1. Hi Lori – thank you for sharing your marble story. So exciting, right? I also find that signs or messages from Spirit come immediately after I’ve take a difficult step and my Loved Ones are thanking me for it. Love and light, Renee


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